The Great Mosque

The construction of the Great Mosque in Cordoba began around 786 on the orders of the first Umayyad emir Abd al-Raḥmān I. The majority of the scholars defend that the building was erected on the remains of the old Episcopal See of San Vicente. In this primitive mosque, pieces of Roman and Visigothic structures were reused. The naves were separated by double arcades: the upper ones were composed by semicircular arches and the lower ones by horseshoe arches, in which were combined voussoir of calcarenite stone and brick. This solution gave height and firmness to the construction and was maintained in later enlargements. Years later, Ḥišām I completed the work of his predecessor with a minaret in the courtyard, a pavilion for women and a ablutions space.

The first expansion of the Great Mosque was undertaken between the years 840 and 848 by ‘Abd al-Raḥmān II. Then, the prayer room enlarged to the south. Muḥammad I was in charge of, among other actions, culminating the ornamentation of this expansion in the middle of the 9th century. At the end of the same century, the emir ‘Abd Allāh built a raised passageway (sābāṭ) to connect the prayer room with the Citadel (Alcazar). This structure would be demolished decades later.

In caliphal times, ‘Abd al-Raḥmān III started the works to enlarge the courtyard to the north (951-952) and to construct a new minaret. His son, al-Ḥakam II, carried out the second extension of the prayer room to the south (961-966), in which only new architectural pieces were used. He also built a new sābāṭ and the present wall of the qibla, the miḥrāb and the maqsura.

Finally, the last extension of the Cordoban Mosque took place in the year 988. Almanzor, prime minister of the caliph Ḥišām II, was its main person in charge. Both the courtyard and the prayer room almost doubled their size to their eastern side.
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