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Intergenerational Chair

The Intergenerational Chair “Profesor Francisco Santisteban” is an initiative of the University of Córdoba under the Vice-rectorate of Postgraduate and Continuing Education created with the aim of promoting development programs, scientific and socio-cultural, aimed at people over 55 with double Purpose of promoting their personal promotion and improving their quality of life.

The initiative of the University of Córdoba to create curricula aimed at this type of students is determined because the current social structure is giving rise to a new type of society marked by profound changes that have changed the habits, conditions of life, social welfare and the rhythms of life of much of Spanish society. Framed in social welfare policies and trying to respond to the requests that have been appreciated in a significant social sector in recent years, the Intergenerational Chair “Professor Francisco Santisteban” has tried to create an appropriate framework for the continuous training of the elderly with specific studies aimed at this social group.

Taking into account that the new social realities and the demand that an important sector of the population was demanding of the university environment, the University of Córdoba, for its interest in opening itself to the society of Cordova and its province, decided to create in 1997 programs of social participation through a series of courses aimed at training the elderly in order to make them feel socially useful and to be able to continue their active and dynamic life by accessing the elderly to university classrooms. Thus, it is proposed as a general objective of this Chair the social integration of older people in social and cultural university life, trying from their classrooms, programs and activities to promote this group in a stage of life that should be considered as positive, dignified and capable.

From the SÍSIFO Research Group, we participated in several subjects related to Archaeology, taught by teachers Vaquerizo, Garriguet and León.

For more information, you can access the website of the Intergenerational Chair “Professor Francisco Santisteban” of the University of Córdoba.