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Sísifo Awards to the Investigation, Defense and Diffusion of the Archaeological Heritage

III Edition. 2018

At the beginning of 2011, we created from Sísifo Research Group (PAIDI HUM: 236; Archaeology Area, University of Córdoba) the Scientific Culture  Project Arqueología Somos Todos.  Then, from the latter we created a Cultural Association named after it, which defends and advocates the correct disclosure of our past as a key to maintaining its research, protection and correct valuation. Archaeology, often misinterpreted, needs society to understand it as a useful science, capable of providing intellectual and aesthetic recreation, but also important sociocultural and economic benefits. It is just and necessary that the archaeological heritage leave the strict academic/scientific field and revert to society, understood in the broadest sense, as the ultimate owner.

After almost five years of work, we can affirm that Arqueología Somos Todos have improved the historical-archaeological formation of the Cordoban society at all levels; Although we are still seeking the consolidation of a global and sustainable archaeological investigation, management and dissemination model, in addition to political cycles, which combines synergies with all types of organisms (public and private) and allows the adequate transfer to society in a transversal way.

In the last years our work has been widely awarded and endorsed, nationally and internationally. We believe, therefore, that it is now up to us to assume a more responsible role, and also to support other institutions or individuals who have excelled (in local, regional, national or international) in the investigation, defense or divulgation of the archaeological heritage. With this, we want to support their struggle and their commitment to History and Archaeology, to encourage them in choosing a difficult road full of vicissitudes, and to recognize their work in preserving the material and intellectual legacy of our past, while encouraging with their example to all those agents that in one way or another are related to Archaeology.

  • Sísifo Prize for Research, Defence and Dissemination of Archaeological Heritage

The organization reserves the right to award each year a Sísifus of Honour Award to any person or institution, Spanish or not, whose career is particularly outstanding in all or any of the areas that recognize these awards.


2.1.  Public or private institutions, groups, entities or individuals or legal entities that have excelled in the investigation, safeguarding and / or dissemination of the Archaeological Heritage, in Spain or elsewhere, may be eligible for the 3rd edition of the Sísifo Prize. Attendance may be on its own initiative or at the proposal of other entities or persons.


3.1. Those who submit an application for this edition of the Sísifo Award must state the following information in the proposal:

A)Data of the Proposer: when appropriate (provide it does not coincide with the institution or person to whom it is proposed):

  • Last name and name.
  • ID.
  • Address.
  • Postal Code.
  • Town / Province.
  • Phone.
  • e-mail.

B)Data of the person, collective, entity or institution that he/she proposes for the Sísifo Prize:Last name and name.

  • Last name and name.
  • ID.
  • Address.
  • Postal Code.
  • Town / Province.
  • Phone.
  • e-mail.

C)Report that shows the merits that, in the opinion of the proponent, bears the person, group, entity or institution proposed for the Sisifo Award.

3.2. No person who belongs or has belonged in the last four years to the Cultural Association Arqueología Somos Todos and/or to the Sísifo Research Group of the University of Córdoba can be presented or nominated to the Sísifo Awards.

3.3. The data required in point 2.1 may be sent by e-mail to the address , or by mail, to the attention of Archeología Somos Todos. Area de Arqueología. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, 3. CP: 14003. Córdoba.

3.4.  If the documentation is submitted by postal mail, it will be mandatory to do so by certified mail and with acknowledgment of receipt, so that the proponent is aware of the delivery.

3.5. The nominees for the prize, in any of its modalities, must provide the organization of the Sísifo Awards with documentation accrediting what is indicated in the Memorandum of Merit that may be required.


4.1. The deadline for nominations for the 3rd edition of the Sísifo Prize will be open between April 1st and June 30th 2018.

  1. JURY

5.1. The jury of the 3rd  edition of the Sísifo Award will be appointed by the Cultural Association Arqueología Somos Todos, according to the following distribution: 1 member of the Sísifo Group, who will also act as President, 2 members of the Arqueología Somos Todos Cultural Association, one of which will act as Secretary, 2 professionals linked to the world of Archeology and Heritage, and 2 members of the Association Friends of Cordoban Archeology.

5.2. Once the jury has been named, its members may nominate candidates for the Sísifo Awards, justifying the relevance and providing the merit of the candidate or candidates proposed in accordance with the requirements established in Point 2.

5.3. The jury will evaluate all the candidacies presented, deciding unanimously or by majority. The price could be declared desert.


6.1. The decision of the Sísifo Awards will be made public at a press conference on September 2018, and communicated by telephone and/or e-mail to the winners.

6.2. It will also be published trough the media that the Cultural Association Arqueología Somos Todos and the Sísifo Research Group uses.

6.3. The decision of the jury will be final.


7.1. The Prize will consist of the delivery of an original statuette in bronze, made by the Cordovan sculptor José Manuel Belmonte, and diploma.

7.2. Prizes will be awarded before the end of the year, at a time and place that will be made public with enough anticipation.

7.3. The prizewinners will be responsible for their own travel expenses. The Sísifo Awards only will cover one night’s accommodation and dinner after the award ceremony.


Amigos, Mecenas and Padrinos de la Arqueología Cordobesa

SísifoResearch Group (PAIDI HUM-236)

University of Córdoba


FECYT. Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología

Delegación de Cultura. Ayuntamiento de Córdoba

Casa Árabe

Participation in this 3rd Edition of the Sísifo Awards means acceptance of the present rules and the criteria of the jury. Anything not provided in them, the organization will resolve the most appropriate according to its criteria.