Funerary World
From the third century, and throughout the fourth and fifth centuries, the Cordoban funerary world was characterized by a series of dynamics. From a topographical point of view, we can point out the continuity of pre-existing suburban cemetery areas, as well as the appearance of necropolis and tombs scattered in suburban areas without previous funerary occupation. We cannot forget the disappearance of the most significant elements of pagan cemeteries (monumenta, epigraphy, etc.), the need for greater availability of space due to the consolidation of the inhumation funerary rite, or the consolidation of new funerary containers as the sarcophagus of lead, limestone and marble.
The main novelty in the fourth and fifth centuries was the gradual Christianization of topography. To date, the only clearly Christian funeral testimony consists of some inscriptions, a rich catalog of sarcophagus, and two cemetery areas that could accommodate individuals of that religion.
The fourth and fifth centuries brought with it the appearance of the first burials inside the walled enclosure, a space previously dedicated exclusively to the world of the living. There were several graves that could be related to residential and / or productive buildings.
As for the sixth and seventh centuries, the archaeological and epigraphic documentation reveals the full Christianization of the Cordoban population. These centuries were characterized by the disappearance of the majority of the old cemetery areas, as well as by the concentration of the burials in certain points of the suburb, including the basilicas. From a ritual point of view, features such as the proliferation of cists like funerary containers, the proliferation of tombs with several bodies, or the presence of certain grave goods stand out.
In the case of the intramural surface, the burials inside the walled enclosure remained minor. At the moment, it is possible that the episcopal group had its own privileged necropolis, of which there is no archaeological evidence to date.
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