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Road and Hydraulic Infrastructure

Road and Hydraulic Infrastructure

Ocupación parcial de un decumano hallado en c. Duque de Hornachuelos 8 (RUIZ NIETO, 2006, lám. 3)
Partial occupation of a decumanus found in c. Duque de Hornachuelos 8 (RUIZ NIETO, 2006, lam 3)

The disappearance of the orthogonal framework typical of the Late Republican and Early Imperial roman period was a long process that began before the beginning of the Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula. Although in Cordova has been identified at dates as early as the second half of the second century, the definitive impulse came from the third century onwards. Thanks to the archaeological and epigraphic sources available, we have evidence of partial or total occupation of certain streets and of the covering of primitive pavements under others made of dirty. There were heterogeneous dynamics developed in different times and rhythms, as we have knowledge of streets that not only maintained their original image, but were even monumentalized as late as the fourth century.

Colmatación de las cloacas suburbanas halladas en c. Secretario Carretero (CASTILLO, GUTIÉRREZ, MURILLO, 2010, fig. 193)
Filled sewers which were found in c. Secretario Carretero (CASTILLO, GUTIÉRREZ, MURILLO, 2010, fig 193)

The destination of the street network was parallel to that of the hydraulic infrastructure, with sewers gradually filled up. This phenomenon was prompted by the disuse of the main aqueducts that supplied the intramural space (Aqua Augusta Vetus and Aqua Nova Domitiana Augusta), as when they stopped transporting water, the cleaning of the sanitation pipes was seriously compromised. The disappearance of the aqueducts also brought a change in the systems of supply of clean water, because it was necessary to use wells and cisterns instead of public and private fountains.

Depósito destinado al abastecimiento de agua limpia del centro de poder tardoantiguo de Córdoba
Water tank of the late antique Episcopal complex of Cordoba (AST)
Acueducto bajoimperial destinado al abastecimiento del complejo de Cercadilla (PIZARRO, 2014, lám 24c)
Late antique aqueduct which supplied the suburban complex of Cercadilla (PIZARRO, 2014, lam 24c)

In spite of the above, the aqueducts were not a strange element in the late antique Cordova, since the one aimed to the supply of the old western vicus, continued transporting clean water to some suburban construction (possibly the church of San Acisclo). Also, two new aqueducts were built in the end of the third century-beginning of the fourth. In principle their final destination was the suburban complex of Cercadilla and a peri-urban residential property.








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