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Christian Architecture

Christian Architecture

Estructuras del complejo episcopal. Fueron localizadas bajo el Patio de las Naranjos en la década de 1930 (BERMUDEZ 2010, fig. 3)
Structures of the Episcopal complex. They were located under the “Patio de los Naranjos” in the 1930s (BERMUDEZ 2010, Figure 3)

After the legalization of the religio christiana in 313 (Edict of Milan), the Church acquired full right to erect worship buildings designed for that purpose.

Since Cordova was a bishopric since at least the end of the third century, the city had an Episcopal Complex with at least a cathedral church, a baptistery and an Episcopal palace. In the current state of the research, the majority of the scientific community considers that the main church (dedicated to St. Vincent) was located at the southern end of the city from the late fourth-early-fifth century or even earlier. The scarce archaeological information about the Episcopal Complex in the fourth and fifth centuries, contrasts with the documentation relating to the sixth and seventh centuries, when it could occupy about two hectares of extension. Excavations carried out under the present-day Mosque-Cathedral, and immediately south of that point, have brought to light several monumental buildings from the sixth-seventh centuries whose exact functionality has not always been determined.

Ambiente del complejo episcopal localizado bajo la actual Mezquita-Catedral
Room of the Episcopal complex located under the current Mosque-Cathedral (AST)

Although in the remaining intramural area of the city there must have been other churches, at the moment we do not have any construction that can be certainly interpreted as a church.

As far as the extramural space is concerned, thanks to some antique and medieval sources we know the existence of three basilicas (dedicated to San Acisclo, San Zoilo and the Three Crowns) whose exact location has not been accurately determined. So far, the only suburban religious complex well-known is Cercadilla, where some material testimonies reflect its sacred use in the sixth and seventh centuries. More controversial are other structures discovered in points such as the area of “Cortijo de Chinales” (Garden City neighborhood), or the former amphitheater, since its religious functionality has not been fully confirmed.

Cimacio localizado en el campo de la Verdad y actualmente conservado en el Museo Arqueológico
Cymantium located in “El campo de la Verdad” and currently preserved in the Archaeological Museum (AST)
Aula de cabecera triconque del complejo de Cercadilla transformada en basílica en los siglos VI-VII
Building of the complex of Cercadilla transformed into a basilica in the 6th – 7th centuries A.D. (AST)










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