
In Roman times, public spectacles or ludi were celebrated on specific dates in honor of some deity, or commemorating some important civic event often related to the emperor. Besides, they were usually funded by local sponsors.
For theatrical performances (ludi scaenici), from the time of Augustus Cordoba had the greatest theater of Hispania, just six meters smaller than the Theatre of Marcellus in Rome. Following a constructive scheme similar to this building in the Urbs, the theatre in Cordoba had the so-called Theatermotiv on its monumental external façade. This were superimposed arcades framed by decorative fictitious orders (Tuscan, Ionic and Corinthian), supported by small pilasters.

From the inside, only part of the cavea or stands is known, partially preserved under the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Cordoba. Its seats would have been covered by white marble. In the cavea, viewers would be distributed according to their social status. The wealthiest classes would sit in the lower part, while the most disadvantaged would occupy the upper spaces. The current Jeronimo Paez square would correspond to the urban fossilization of its orchestra. The frons scaenae or building stage, where performances took place, would be situated south. However, these structures have not been archaeologically documented yet.

The theater was erected within the new pomerium, on a steep slope between the old Republican city wall and the new urban expansion to the south, which was terraced with a set of staggered squares paved with large slabs of stone. They were interconnected by stairways that surrounded the facade of the theater, giving access to the stands from different areas of the city.
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