Water: aqueducts, sewage systems and baths

The monumentalization of the new Colonia Patricia during the 1st century AD involved the creation of several hydraulic infrastructures, for the water supply and for the improvement of the urban image. The aqueducts would provide water for public fountains, the bath complexes, the industries and the homes of the citizens who could afford it.

The first aqueduct documented until now is the Aqua Augusta or Aqua Vetus. It was made of Roman concrete (opus caementicium) and waterproofed inside with a water-repellent coating (opus signinum). At some points it was provided with an ingenious system of rebound wells (spiramina) and arcuationes that allowed overcoming big drop differences, avoiding great slopes on its design. Centuries later, it was reused for the supply of Madinat al-Zahra.

Some decades after, the Aqua Nova Domitiana Augusta was built. Its remains have been located northeast of the city, next to the Arroyo Pedroche. It was also made of opus caementicium, but without coating inside. A third aqueduct was added soon, for the water supply of the Western vicus. Some literary texts refer to him with the suggestive name of Fontis Aureae Aquaeductus. Part of its remains can be seen today in the Bus Station.

For the water drainage, the streets of the Roman city were provided with a very effective sewer network. Some of them can be highlighted, such as the cloaca maxima, which ran under the Cardo maximus located in the current Blanco Belmonte street; the one discovered under the Alfonso XII street, still in operation; or the three partially preserved on Antonio Maura street, which drained the amphitheater and its great access avenue.
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