ARQUEOCORDOBA.COM Archeology and ICT at the service of historical dissemination |
Duration: September – December 2016
Draft: The creation of www.arqueocordoba.com in 2003 represented a before and after in the communication of the activities of the Sísifo Group and the results derived from its investigation. This pioneering platform in Cordova became a unique and unified repository of historical-archaeological, bibliographic, educational, legislative and tourist information. After 10 years of operation we decided to abandon it, due to the need to review and update already obsolete content, becoming from that moment a window that allowed access to other specific websites of the Group: gruposisifo.com and arqueologiasomostodos.com. Since then, we have been working on the implementation of new virtual tools and the external and internal renewal of www.arqueocordoba.com, which was presented publicly in September. The idea is to turn it into a platform aimed at the scientific and educational community, professionals and users of cultural tourism, and ultimately to society as a whole, always with Cordova’s main thread as a unique site of extraordinary diachrony. For the scientific community we will make available the knowledge generated in the last decades of work, with an interesting graphic material that will include 3D planimetries and recreations of the main monuments of the city. At the educational level, we will elaborate a whole repertoire of didactic resources available for download, adapted to different levels of teaching. Finally, there will be a special section of tourist information. The implementation of a web of these characteristics involves a marked commitment to the transfer of knowledge and the scientific dissemination that goes through the constant creation and revision of content by the members of the Research Group, based on the generation of new knowledge own and others; Hence the need to amplify the effect of www.arqueocordoba.com and its tools, with the intention of involving all public and private groups in active participation in the web, especially as far as unpublished information is concerned (New excavations, casual findings, ancient references, etc.), but also in the usufruct at all levels of the contents of the same for a better investigation, conservation, management and dissemination of our archaeological heritage. Goals:
Arqueología Somos Todos The future of the past: the origins of Cordova Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness |
Duration: January 2015 – March 2016
Draft: For this new stage of Arqueología Somos Todos have integrated various technological resources, some already consolidated today, such as cartographic viewers and three-dimensional recreations; And another more novel, like the Virtual Immersion. These innovative, rigorous and well-targeted formats can be a very effective tool for accessing to the general public, and especially the younger ones. Through them they can be educated as full and committed people with their historical-archaeological heritage, with society, in general, and with science, in particular; And, if necessary, awakening the vocation for archeology. For this pilot project we will create a virtual platform that would allow users from all over the world to know the origins of Cordova: its turdetano past and its beginnings as a Roman city, in a sort of dípolis that, according to the classic written sources and the archaeological evidences until now Known, was in force for about 200 years, until finally the pre-Roman settlement was abandoned and Cordova became the prosperous capital of the province Betica, under the name of Colonia Patricia. The 3D recreation of the pre-Roman town and the republican city will be done on a topographic plane of the territory that would have as indisputable protagonists the environment of the river and the river port, keys in the historical paper that Cordoba has played since its foundation in the prehistory. This base checkerboard would serve as a pilot project for the future to continue working in the different historical stages of Cordova, following the philosophy followed by our Research Group: unique site in a diachronic sense. Goals:
Arqueología somos todos in the street. Transfer 1.0 University of Córdoba |
Duration: September – December 2015
Draft: Arqueología Somos Todos Scientific Culture Project has always stood out for its firm commitment to society, which we understand that we are obliged to transfer the scientific knowledge derived from our university work. The research carried out by the members of the Sísifo Group over the years now makes sense through serious and innovative quality publicity programs that escape misinterpretation and lack of information. Thanks to this proposal, which includes lectures, exhibitions, routes, didactic workshops and informative publications, citizens have begun to understand Archaeology as a useful science, able to offer intellectual and aesthetic recreation, but also to create identity mechanisms and, of course, cultural and economic benefits. Our ultimate goal is the consolidation of a model of archaeological dissemination capable of establishing synergies with other public-private bodies and transferring historical knowledge actively, arousing curiosity, imagination and scientific interest, in an unprecedented cocktail that combines culture, technology, education, urban and rural territory management and, most importantly, citizen engagement. In order to publicize the project and encourage participation, we will set up 1 informative table per month, which will become authentic events of divulgation next to several monuments of the city. During those days the members of Arqueología Somos Todos will carry out explanations on the nearby monuments and didactic activities focused on the children’s public, with which we hope to reach a minimum of 1,000 people. Goals:
Cordova in History. Archaeology, tourism and new technologies Ministry of Education Culture and Sport |
Duration: October 2014 – June 2015
Draft: The project “Cordova in history. Archeology, tourism and new technologies” contemplates the creation of a network of centers scattered by important historical points of the city, usually outside the tourist routes, which promote the expansion of visitors to places less frequented. We intend to create an urban “synapse” for different points disconnected today in the Cordova topography, to diversify tourism and to prolong the stays and overnight stays of visitors, and to promote consequently the generation of employment and economic income. At each point, chosen strategically, a center of general interpretation of the concrete historical sector will be established, linked to a wide open space in which the most important remains exhumed in a concrete site will be explained in detail, with a great display of technological means, and inaccessible today. For this specific project, as a pilot experience, we will develop a first phase in a neighborhood of Cordova barely exploited tourist, despite its significant historical-archaeological potential: the Axerquía. The place chosen for this sector is the Palacio de Orive, near the urban center, and a few meters from the Town Hall and the Roman temple, which will facilitate the flow of visitors. In the same Palacio de Orive will be installed a center of historical-archaeological interpretation of this eastern sector of the historic center of Cordova, with more than 100 hectares. In turn, it will be interrelated with Parque de Orive, under whose subsoil remain today the remains of the Roman circus and a residential Almohade neighborhood, elements that will star in a three-dimensional night-time mapping show in the same place. Goals:
Archeology, tourism and new technologies: from land to cyberspace Ministry of Education Culture and Sport and Delegation of Culture of the City of Córdoba |
Duration: September 2013 – March 2014
Draft: After the housing crisis, and the adverse effects it has had on urban archaeology and the economy, it is time to reflect and demonstrate that there are alternative, and more effective, ways of addressing the past; That is, archaeology as a common legacy capable of enriching the patrimonial and tourist offer of our historical cities, while multiplying its attractions and its projection in the world. An objective that is most transcendent, if possible, in complicated times as we live; That is why we demand education in all age groups and social, professional qualification, entrepreneurship, imagination, multidisciplinarity, innovation and the sense of commitment as determining values on which we can lay the foundations for tomorrow. Based on the experience accumulated by Arqueología Somos Todos, and thanks to the support received from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, we have designed specific services that, through the new technologies, will allow the public (local and foreign) the results on research and heritage management of one of the most important historical capitals of the Western Mediterranean. The inaccessible archaeological excavations, private or public, the conservation of archaeological remains in private plots, in basements of difficult access, little or no textual and graphic information that accompanies many monuments integrated in outdoor spaces, the absence of a historical, etc., have formed a hidden, underground and invisible Cordova that we intend to show by means of multiple routes. Goals:
Archaeological heritage of Cordova and its province Diputación de Córdoba |
Duration: November – December 2013
Draft: With the same philosophy that has always accompanied us in Cordova, a historic city with an enormous extension and complexity as a site, developing a full program of dissemination (conferences, routes, workshops, exhibitions, etc.) of great social and institutional reception, we thought it necessary to extend our geographical boundaries to record that the archaeological event takes place beyond the capital of Cordova. Our purpose is, therefore, to extend our model of action to the province, whose patrimonial wealth is evident in the concentration of local Historical-Archaeological Museums, the largest of all Andalusia, and in the presence of some of the most significant archaeological sites of Spain, many of which have gone unnoticed for the capital itself and even for the nearby municipalities. However, the scope and complexity of this proposal required the implementation of an initial phase, with short and medium term objectives that would allow us to verify the feasibility of the different actions and activities proposed. For this pilot project, we have chosen two locations with exceptional archaeological resources, although with a geographical situation and very different idiosyncrasies: Puente Genil and Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo, which will act as experimental laboratories and epicenters of the regions located in the vicinity of Valley of the Genil and Valley of the Guadiato. Thanks to the experience of our team and the involvement of the different collaborating institutions of both municipalities (Puente Genil Town Hall and Cuenca del Guadiato Foundation), we will make known to the general public – local and foreign – interesting results on research and management of equity generated in Puente Genil and Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo during the last years, with the ultimate aim of making the company the custodian of that legacy and co-participant in the responsibility of maintaining it and making it profitable as an important tourist and socio-economic resource. Goals: In addition to contributing to the research, interpretation, protection, conservation and valorisation of the archaeological heritage of these localities, we have as the ultimate goal the configuration of an archaeological diffusion model extrapolated to any other municipality in Cordova, based on collaboration between different institutions and entities both public and private, and in the training of creating networks or cooperation platforms between the capital and the province that allow a greater social, economic and cultural dynamism. All this happens, inevitably, by:
Forming the Future Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) , Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness |
Duration: October 2013 – June 2014
Draft: If we want to guarantee future research, protection and valorization of the archaeological heritage, the education of the young becomes a key part of our work. For this, in this continuous evolution that characterizes Arqueología Somos Todos, we designed an ambitious program of work that surpassed the classic models through innovative strategies adapted to the different levels of education, with the ultimate goal of educating full and committed citizens with its historical-archaeological heritage, with society, in general, and with science, in particular; In addition, of course, to promote vocations in archaeology. The center of operations was, once again, the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UCO), located in the historic center of the capital of Cordova, where we now gave an official letter to the Aula de Formación Permanente en Arqueología: a laboratory of experimentation based on the joint work between teachers and students through direct contact with sources and practical exercise. Goals:
Arqueología Somos Todos: Reinventing the future Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness |
Duration: September 2012 – August 2013
Draft: About two and a half years ago, the Sísifo Research Group of the University of Córdoba decided to raise the pillars of an ambitious university transfer program with the intention that the Cordovan society would make its own something that already belonged to it, but that nobody until now he had stopped to explain, his past. After an intense investigation of the historical-archaeological Cordova throughout the first decade of the 21st century, we believed it necessary to put at the service of society the knowledge accumulated during so many years of work through the project Arqueologia somos todos, convinced that only if the citizenry perceives and understands what Archaeology represents will learn to respect, defend and care for it. This project, which is directly linked to the philosophy of scientific transference defended from the FECYT, was presented to the last call with an ambitious and eloquent subtitle: “reinventing the future”. Thanks to the help offered from FECYT, Arqueología Somos Todos developed its 2012-2013 season stronger than ever; With a backing and citizen participation that increased continuously. This enthusiasm we are generating by archeology, favored by the generous contribution in our project of prestigious internal and external researchers , and, of course, by close collaboration with important institutions (University of Córdoba, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Casa Árabe, Vimcorsa, House of Sepharad or Diocese of Córdoba), has resulted in several prizes and awards , and especially in the support of the Obra Social Foundation “la Caixa”, which chose us as one of “the most outstanding scientific culture that are developed in our country“. Goals:
Discovering Roman Cordova Ayuntamiento de Córdoba |
Duration: April – June 2014
Draft: Following the opening to the public of the Roman Temple of Claudio Marcelo Street in November 2013, the local Consistory, and especially its Delegation of World Heritage and Historic Town, launched a campaign aimed at vindicating the Roman past of the city, with the intention of increasing the three cultures traditionally linked to the city to four (Roman, Christian, Jewish and Muslim).Discover the Roman Cordoba sought to rescue from anonymity the most classic stage of Cordoba, often unnoticed under the appeal of the Mezquita-Cathedral of Córdoba and the surroundings of the historic center in which it is inserted. Goals: